Network marketing companies come in all sizes and shapes. Before investing your time, money, and energy make sure you determine what type of company is best for your personality and your specific goals.
There are three basic types of network marketing companies, based on entry fee and commission schedule. Pay attention to the level of entry as compared to its initial commission level and you will go a long way in determining what you can expect going forward.
Let's take a look at the majority of network marketing companies. They sport low entry fees, typically a few hundred dollars down to $50 or so. Many of the products in these companies are low cost and are used at home. Cleaning products, nutritional supplements, telephone service to name a few. While there are some who have made significant money in these companies most people find it difficult to make serious money because of the sheer number of people you must have in your downline in order for this business model to work. At first it looks exciting because of the low entry fee, but many quit because they quickly realize the intense effort it takes to build a huge downline.
Now let's go to the opposite extreme... there are a small number of network marketing companies that require very large entry fees... in the $20,000-$30,000 range. While these companies pay out large commissions, there is a very small niche that this price range attracts.
So what is left.. A company that requires only a few thousand dollars to start, but gives a significant commission for each sale right out of the box. This allows the new business builder the opportunity to recoup the initial investment very quickly. This breeds confidence and excitement. One such company is Global Resorts Network (GRN).
GRN is a vacation company that specializes in high end resort vacations around the world that are offered to members for steep discounts. A new member pays $3K for a lifetime membership. This membership allows unlimited weeks of vacation throughout the years, unlike the typical time share. While GRN is not a timeshare, it has many of the benefits of timeshares. Global Resorts also touts guest weeks in which friends can "try out" the membership before deciding to join themselves.
A lifetime membership pays the sponsoring member $1,000. On top of that each time your new member sponsors another lifetime member, both of you receive $1,000 commissions. Each new member that is personally enrolled by you becomes a separate income stream.
To take a look at a company that meets these criteria go to
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