Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mindset That Makes The Difference!

Recently, I had a new prospect for my Global Resorts business speak to me about what it would take to have success in GRN. The conversation began with the tales of past network marketing experiences. Experiences that I too, was familiar with. After I understood some of the details I asked this one question... What are you willing to do to be successful in GRN? There was a long pause. It seemed that this particular prospect liked the huge commission that Global offered. He loved the great vacations that he could take with his family at huge savings. But he really wasn't interested in working at it.

And therein lies the problem.... Many online and network marketers see the great success that some people are having in the industry. It looks great,and they want some of that for themselves. But what they don't seem to realize... I mean, really realize, is that it takes work, effort, money, persistence.... in order to truly reach high goals.

Are you sabotaging yourself with an attitude of unrealistic expectations? Let's think about this for a bit. A lifetime membership costs only $3000 to GRN. Ok, you say ONLY, $3000. Yes. Because most members will recoup this money back after just one or two family vacations, that's how steep the discounts are for GRN's vacations. That's not the point. In order to get your business in front of those who may want to purchase it you have to market yourself. That may entail Google ads, newsletter ads, email programs, blogs, websites, lead capture pages, autoresponder systems, and the like.

I don't say this to scare you. I tell you this to give you a dose of reality. Don't join GRN if you are not going to treat it like a business. And a serious business at that. You will find that the most successful people in Global Resorts are putting their best foot forward and sticking to it. Success will come, as long as you have the mindset that separates the winners from the hope to's.

Until next time...

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