Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Truth or Lie - Duplication in Your Network Marketing Business is Possible

Duplicate: An identical copy; a facsimile. One that corresponds exactly to another, especially an original. These are common definitions of the word duplicate as seen in the dictionary.

Wasn't the concept of duplication one of the key benefits cited to make network marketing appear to be a better business concept than traditional businesses? I first heard of it in my early network marketing training. But how much is really duplicable?

Let's review this concept and determine what, if anything, is duplicable in your business. (By the way, as an aside...feel free to use the word duplicable OR duplicatable. They are both real words that can be found in the dictionary and mean the same exact thing.)

I will start with the ridiculous...You find yourself going to a business meeting one evening during the week. The speaker has attained a very high level in the company. His job is to motivate and entertain you while givng you training tips on how to build your business. He states, "If he could do it so could you." Or so he says. In reality, did you know that he happened to come from another network marketing company and was able to bring in over 1000 reps in one month. Is that duplicable for you?
How about this one...the business builder who touts that he is doing the business full time. What you didn't know was that he recently sold a very profitable traditional business for a very large sum of money and is able to live off that profit in order to work his MLM full time as a hobby. Is that duplicable for you?

Or, the business partner who has no fear, no anxiety talking to people individually or in groups. Has a gregarious personality and makes everything he touches seemingly turn to gold.. Is that duplicatable for you?

Can you duplicate someone's personality? Savings acct? Speaking ability? Circle of influence? The answer is no, you can't. And that is the problem. Most people who join a MLM business are in desperate need of creating wealth. They not only want a new job, but NEED more income. The need to believe that what they are told is going to happen for them. They get so primed because they have the dream. The problem....they have to make the dream come true NOW, not next week. And that is the problem..It takes time to build any network marketing business. This is true for the majority of marketers. Sure, you may get someone who has everything in place and makes his business fly immediately. But that is rare indeed.
Let me tell you a story...I was recently at a business meeting. All of us who had reached a high level in a certain company were asked to stand up and say a few words. For me, there was no secret...hard work and persistence. But next to me was a guy who reached my level and beyond in 1/3 the time frame. How?...he happened to stumble across not one, but two people who had everything going for them. Those two people basically built this rep's business in a heart beat. Good for him. I am happy for him. But is this duplicable? Maybe, if you are lucky. But I wouldn't count on it.

To be able to duplicate someone's success, you must be able to duplicate a system rather than the person. A non-emotional automated system that works DESPITE you or me getting in the way. Once you tap into that type of system you will truly understand the definition of the word "duplicate" on your way to mlm success.

Click on the critical training link for more information.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Alfred_Santoro

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