Friday, May 9, 2008

Give thanks for today no matter what!

So many times we look forward to the day in expectation of something to happen. Perhaps to accomplish something at home or in our businesses. Isn't it funny how many days don't turn out the way with thought it would!

Instead of being sad or having a frown on our faces, be happy that you experienced the day's events, good or bad. Because in essence each day teaches us something that makes tomorrow look brighter, and in other moments of our lives, as least bearable.

Remember this and watch your life become more joyful. Now, here is my attempt at Spanish..I am trying to learn the language.....Tenga un buen fin de semana! What I hopefully said is "Have a good weekend." Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake...that is the only way I will learn. And at 52 I need a lot of help!!!HAHA

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