Friday, October 26, 2007

This has been a fun week!

This week has been interesting. I usually have many different things to do. Between my office, home, my wife and kids I usually am very busy. I make sure that I spend time reviewing audio files on my MP3 player. I feel it is important to always learn something new, or at the very least reinforce what I already know. It is a great source of self motivation. The more I hear about my different businesses the more motivated I become to implement ideas that will continue my success. This week, however was a bit different...

A full week of baseball to be precise.. I am not talking about Major League Baseball. I am talking about Little League. From my office I found myself going to the baseball fields. My 11 year old son's team played in a tournament this week. I am one of the assistant coaches. We actually did very well, losing 4-2 in the semi-final game. There were 12 teams in the tournament from various towns. So, to finish 3rd overall was a good showing. It was a valuable experience for the boys, since in the fall league is used as an instructional league. Kids get to play in positions they may have not played before. To have the chance to perform under the pressure of a tournament gives them a chance to see how they have learned their lessons over the last two months.

Of course, I try to learn from the experience as well. The games, especially the last one, opened my eyes to basics concept for success. You see, during our last game we had a number of opportunities to score runs; a chance to put more pressure on the opponent. However, due to a few forgotten fundamentals, and more importantly a few incidents in which players didn't listen to their base coaches, we ran ourselves out of a few scoring chances. These lost opportunities cost us the game.

Think about your approach to business. Do you follow the rules, listen to those who have more knowledge than you, and give an honest, consistent effort? Do you put yourself in the best position to be successful. Learn from the little leaguers...Listen to your coaches and mentors. Don't try to re-invent the wheel. Follow the rules and enjoy the success it will bring. Until next time...

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