Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What is Your Typical Day Like? Are You Too Busy?

As you see by the photos on this blog (more to come), you will quickly get a feel of how busy I am. Yet, why is it that many people say they are too busy to take part in your business? Maybe it is simply an excuse or a polite way to say no. What I have found is the most successful people have the most amount of things going on. However, they become masters of using their time wisely.

For example, let's look at my day, today. By the way, it is only 2pm. First thing in the morning, I did some spiritual reading. This reading could also be motivational reading, whatever your choice. But each one of us needs to fill our minds with something positive to get our day started correctly. Next, after a very light breakfast, I went to the gym to work out. While I don't work out every single day, as a physician I can attest to the necessity of physical activites that are NOT work related. Afterwards, I mapped out my goals for the rest of the day. Optimally, this should be listed on paper. However, at the very least you should have a very good idea of what you want to accomplish in your mind, AND in the order it needs to be done to be efficient.

Let's continue. On the way to the office, I made a few business phone calls, and also listened to a "how to " Cd. You can also substitute a motivational cd or something that will assist you in thinking properly. Look at all the time you spend driving. Your drive time could literally be a university on wheels if you decide to use the time wisely.

Once at the office, I did some paperwork and was also able to listen to a training session of ideas on how to help continue my success in my various businesses. And to finish the early part of the afternoon, I am writing this blog. Of course, this does not even include the patients I treat today. You might be saying, no way, that is impossible...Not really. With a wife and four children and all the activities that a dad does you become an expert at time management, as well as determining what are the most important things to do at a given moment. There are plenty of times in which I want to do something business orientated, but instead help my eleven year old with his grip on his fastball. Or, my 10 year old wants me to read to her. Or maybe, simply needs a hug. Perhaps my wife needs help with something in the home, or needs to talk with me.

The point is we are all very busy in our lives. Family, work, social, spiritual...you name it. Get better at time management and watch your business and the quality of your personal life explode!

What will you do today? until next time...

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