Friday, November 23, 2007

Two Days Off In A Row, Remarkable!

It is not very often that I get two days off during the week. It was kind of strange not going to the office today. But, it was a nice change of pace. Even as I was enjoying the day I still had some ideas for promoting my online business. One never knows when inspiration or ideas might come from. The key to success is to act on those inspirations.

One of the most important aspects of the success of a business is to have more than one income source. This is especially true in the online marketing world. Let's use this example..If you were receiving $10,000 per month from your online business, would you rather have one $10,000 check from one source or ten checks of $1,000 from ten different sources? Of course, the ten sources would be more beneficial because if one source dried up, you would still have nine productive areas. Why do I bring this up at this moment? Well, I have successfully incorporated multiple income streams in my online business. I have successful pay per click campaigns, have multiple e books that are very popular, and have been consistent in my article marketing. However, I realized that I was only using one article directory. After thinking about it, there are at least four or five top notch article directories online. Why not put my articles in multiple areas to maximize their effectiveness?

Well, that is my inspiration today. And, I decided to act on it. It will probably take me a few days to transfer all of my articles into the other directories before starting on new articles. But after thinking about this project, in the long term I know that this will be extremely advantageous to my online business. By the way, the article directories that I am using are ezinearticles, article dashboard, go articles, and isnare. Until next time...

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